Not all the above tests are required for every project, but our staff is proficient in assessing a project and knowing exactly which tests need to be done and what paperwork is needed.
At CalHERS, we schedule the testing at your convenience and get the paperwork done quickly so you can close the permit and finish the project. Our professional and reliable staff is easy to work with and will make the process smooth for you.
After you have passed all these test and received your paperwork from us (CF2R and CF3R forms), you can schedule your final inspection and close your permit. You can also be assured that your system is running efficiently with minimal to no leakage.
We also have energy consultants on staff to provide Title 24 reports for New Construction and remodel projects. We make the process simple and smooth, requiring just the plans and sending you the report within a matter of days. Title 24 reports are required to pull a permit on any new construction residential projects in California, and our reports are accepted state-wide!
In addition to HERS testing and Title 24 reports, we also provide Air Balancing services. Often, especially for remodeled or new commercial spaces, the building department will require Air Balancing to be done and a report to be provided upon final inspection. We work with your schedule and make sure to get the service and paperwork at your site without delays. Similarly, the Health Department sometimes requires restaurants to have an Exhaust Hood Air Balance service done in the kitchen. Our professional technicians can come test and balance and provide all the necessary paperwork for the final inspection.
See our FAQ page for detailed descriptions of each test.
HERS testing and Air Balancing, our service area covers the
entire Northern California. For Title 24 reports, we cover the entire state.